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Environmental Sustainability at Amgen Europe

Environmental Sustainability Plan 2027

Building on the foundations of our strategic environmental plans, Amgen’s Environmental Sustainability Plan presents a commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by the year 2027.

Our goals are underpinned by significant investments into research and development, renewable energy, and workplace training to encourage a culture of sustainability for the foreseeable future. We call this “The Road to Net Zero” and will achieve these goals with strict targets around energy consumption and more efficient practices.

“As a science-based company with a mission to serve patients, we understand the profound impact that climate change is having on human health around the world. Our new commitments expand on our previous achievements and drive Amgen’s continued leadership on environmental sustainability that will benefit our patients, staff, shareholders and communities.”

- Bob Bradway, CEO

What is Net Zero?

The term “Net Zero” refers to a climate-neutral society, whereby organizations like Amgen aim to achieve a balance between the carbon we emit and that which we remove from the atmosphere. Rather than Gross Zero, Net Zero acknowledges the fact that some emissions are unavoidable – for example, from manufacturing – but aims to offset this with carbon neutral initiatives.

Our goals align with the European Union’s long-term climate-neutral plans for 2050, part of the European Green Deal and the Paris Agreement. In tandem, we are also following guidance from the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the Carbon Disclosure Project.

Amgen has invested $200 million (€170 million) globally into environmental sustainability projects, with the latest seven-year plan released on January 11, 2021. The strategies will have three main focuses:

  1. Environmental health
  2. The effects of climate change
  3. Business resiliency.

By making better decisions around efficient practices, staff training and research and development, we aim to achieve an ambitious set of carbon neutrality goals by 2027. To date, Amgen Europe has already surpassed ambitious targets and hopes to continue this success with even further investment into green initiatives.

Our success stories

This is Amgen’s third environmental sustainability plan since 2007, and we have seen myriad success stories in our European operations. For example, our Netherlands division has now signed an agreement to become a partner of the Green Deal Sustainable Care initiative.

In our Munich headquarters, we have committed to an 80% electric fleet of vehicles, while our Sustainability Plan for Turkey has noted great success in reducing waste, as well as water and energy consumption.

This follows an overwhelming trend of surpassing our global targets, such as our second generation of environmental targets, set in 2012. We use a stringent performance reporting system to ensure these sustainable values and initiatives permeate every one of our divisions throughout the world.

Amgen’s sustainability goals for 2027

The latest Sustainability Goals for Amgen are outlined in an infographic, explaining how we will use the principles of innovation, efficiency, and renewable energy to push forward. Specifically, we have set our sights on the following:

Carbon neutrality

Where we are: Amgen has noted a 33% reduction in carbon emissions since 2007.
Where we want to be: 100% carbon neutral by 2027.

Water consumption

Where we are: Amgen has noted a 30% reduction in water consumption since 2007.
Where we want to be: An additional 40% reduction in water use by 2027.

Waste reduction

Where we are: Amgen has noted a 28% reduction in waste since 2007.
Where we want to be: An additional 75% less waste generated by 2027.


This all starts with a sustainable value chain. We never underestimate the power of strong supplier relationships, and we strive to work with suppliers who hold the same values as us. In practice, this involves green initiatives such as:

  • Being transparent in everything we do – reporting our energy consumption based on the guidelines of the Carbon Disclosure Project.
  • Investing in solar power and electric vehicles
  • Reducing single-use plastics and recycling packaging
  • Using smart, efficient, and integrated facilities.

Between 2008 and 2020, we have invested $50 million (€42.1 million) globally to reach the above mentioned targets. Not only has this impacted our carbon footprint; it has also reduced our operational costs by some $34 million (€28.6 million).

Our 2019 Responsibility Highlights Report outlines the full effects of this investment in sustainability, including a reduction of carbon emissions by 132,000 metric tons. By continuing to report on our operations throughout Europe and beyond, we can move forward and achieve these targets.

Sustainability through better reporting

To meet our 2027 goals, we need to be held accountable for everything we do, from monitoring energy consumption to promoting best practices with our teams. We follow several guidelines on how best to track and report our performance, for example:

Sustainability by design

By contributing to journals such as Sustainability Challenges in Peptide Synthesis and Purification: From R&D to Production, we give better visibility to the eco-friendly practices that go into our product design. We also ensure all medicines are regulated by the European Medicines Agency, and comply with standards set by the:

  • EU Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals
  • European Chemical Agency
  • European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations.

Staff engagement

We regularly conduct staff engagement surveys and run round-table discussions to promote a sustainability-first culture, recording our teams’ thoughts on our progress so far.

Supervision from senior management

The progress of our goals is overseen by the Corporate Responsibility and Reputation Council, as well as the Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs. Our European leaders then report back to the Corporate Responsibility and Compliance Committee of our Board of Directors.

Climate risk transparency

We report all progress in line with the Carbon Disclosure Project. This in turn follows the recommendations from the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures. This is under constant review and we are always looking to improve our sustainable practices.

Find out more about how Amgen Europe reports performance and tracks goals

Discover Amgen Europe’s 2027 Sustainability Goals

To find out more about where we are and where we want to be, take a look at our resources below.

View the 2027 Sustainability Goals Infographic

Read the 2019 Responsibility Highlights Report

View our Carbon Neutrality press release



We report on specific targets we’ve set for environmental conservation and improvements. We also measure our overall energy and carbon, water, waste, and sales fleet fuel efficiency performance and share this data.


2020 Plan

We are committed to practices that strengthen our business while reducing our environmental impact.


Sustainable By Design

We’re implementing more environmentally responsible approaches in alignment with our business goals.


Case Studies

We take action to improve our environmental footprint.



We're proud to report in alignment with respected global standards.



We are raising the bar for environmental performance with our 2020 targets.